A new year is starting and we wish all the best to our past and present collaborators all around the world ! To start on a good basis, we welcome two new postdoctoral researchers in our group this week :
The first one, Robrecht Vergauwe, is not an unknown as he already spent a month with us last autumn. He prepared his PhD (entitled Study of the conformational dynamics of the von Willebrand factor with single molecule fluorescence microscopy) in Leuven under the supervision of Johann Hofkens and defended in 2014. He is back now for a longer stay and will share his time between our team and Vladimir Torbeev’s group for a project at the interface with biology.
The second one,Stefano Azzini defended a PhD in physics in Pavia in 2013 and specialized himself on optical properties of micro and nano cavities integrated in semi conductors. He then joined Joël Bellessa’s group in Lyon at Institut Lumière-Matière for a first postdoctoral position. If you have any question about entangled photons or Tamm plasmons, please come and meet him !