Gold medal 2019

The official ceremony for the CNRS gold medal took place in Paris, at Le Palais de la Découverte, on Tuesday 26 of November, on the occasion of the celebration of CNRS 80th birthday. The president Emmanuel Macron himself presented Thomas Ebbesen with the medal and the minister of research, Frédérique Vidal, did a nice talk about his career. The video of the ceremony can be watched either on the social medias of the CNRS or on the Elysée website (Thomas’ speech around 1H32mn). There is also an article on the CNRS website with videos that were shooted at ISIS a few weeks ago, and here is a link to one more video shooted by the local TV France 3 Grand Est.

Congratulations again !

Source : Eloïse Devaux & CNRS