Departures and arrivals

As often, autumn is a period of departures and arrivals in the lab : Shahana, Bianca and Sujith all left the group after the end of their contract, and we wish them all the best for their future !

We have the pleasure to welcome two new students, Benjamin Boglio and Swathi Swaminathan.

Photo : Antoine Tartar

Ladies first, Swathi is originated from Tamil Nadu (India). She is a physical chemist and graduated in 2015 from Pondichéry University. She pursued with a phD thesis at IIT Kanpur, entitled Harvesting hot holes through visible light excitation of plasmonic nanoparticles for photocatalytic reactions, under the supervision of Dr Manabendra Chandra and Pr. Jitendra K. Bera and she defended in may 2023. She will help us to elucidate how chemical reactions are affected by vibrational strong coupling.

Concerning Benjamin, he was born in New Caledonia but grew up in Tasmania (Australia). He moved to Strasbourg where he obtained his bachelor degree in chemistry before integrating the program of the CSC graduate school. He is now starting his phD under the codirection of Mathias Pauly , from PECMAT team at ICS, and Cyriaque Genet. He will study chirality preserving mirrors and chiral cavities with the Mueller polarimetry.

Welcome to both of them !