
Our group 10 years ago was smaller…

Permanent people are still there and all the former postdocs and phD students on the picture found a position afterwards. From left to right (with their position in 2008), Pr Ebbesen, Dr Genet, Adi Salomon (postdoc) is now leading a group in Bar-Ilan University in Israel, Eric Laux (phD) is Director in Strategy & Business Development for Quantum Global Group in Zug Switzerland, but also professor in the Luxembourg School of Business, Frédéric Przybilla (phD) is assistant professor in Laboratoire de Bioimagerie et Pathologies (Pharmacy University, Strasbourg), Aurélien Drezet (postdoc) is a CNRS researcher in the team “Nano-optique et forces” (Néel Institute, Grenoble), Oussama Mahboub (phD) is assistant professor at ENSA Tétouan (Morocco), Dr Devaux, Ms Jouati our secretary, and Jean-Yves Laluet (phD) is group leader at Saint-Gobain research (Paris).