20 years ago…

… a swiss journal, Chemische Rundschau, interviewed Thomas Ebbesen after the publication of our paper in Science review. At that time, we were a very small team, located rue de l’Université in the old building of Physics Faculty, as ISIS building was under construction. This is probably our first group picture ever and  founding it back on my shelves gave me the idea to create a page for our old group pictures. Have fun !

Au boulot à vélo

As each year since 10 years, Strasbourg Eurometropole and CADR67 are organizing a challenge to promote the use of bicycles to go to work, called Au boulot à vélo . At ISIS, we are also taking part under the banner of the University and CNRS. Remember : University and CNRS won in 2017 and 2018 (category public company of more than 500 employees) so why not one more time ! Here below some ISIS members who are bicycle-addicts.


The (T)Matrix has you…

As we promised it a few days ago, we added another topic on our Resources page : the Matlab programs we are using on a daily basis to simulate or fit our experimental spectra with the TMatrix. If you have a problem with it, don’t call Neo but try to contact us.


New page on the website

We are pleased to announce the creation of a new page called Resources where we will put information about experimental or numerical methods we are using in the lab on a regular basis. For now, you will find a tutorial video about how to build a liquid cell for infrared spectroscopy characterization of vibrational strong coupling, that you can also access by clicking on the picture here below. Thanks a lot to Anoop and Lucas, our film directors !

March 8

As last year, we took a group picture with all the female workers of ISIS…plus two intruders… Happy women’s day !


Due to the usual unstable weather of March in France (alternating sunny intervals and rainfalls), we had a beautiful rainbow yesterday, March 7th, at 4.59pm in front of ISIS…

But exactly one year ago March 7th, 2018, at the same time 4.59pm we observed… exactly the same thing…

Photos Eloïse and Stefano


Our group 10 years ago was smaller…

Permanent people are still there and all the former postdocs and phD students on the picture found a position afterwards. From left to right (with their position in 2008), Pr Ebbesen, Dr Genet, Adi Salomon (postdoc) is now leading a group in Bar-Ilan University in Israel, Eric Laux (phD) is Director in Strategy & Business Development for Quantum Global Group in Zug Switzerland, but also professor in the Luxembourg School of Business, Frédéric Przybilla (phD) is assistant professor in Laboratoire de Bioimagerie et Pathologies (Pharmacy University, Strasbourg), Aurélien Drezet (postdoc) is a CNRS researcher in the team “Nano-optique et forces” (Néel Institute, Grenoble), Oussama Mahboub (phD) is assistant professor at ENSA Tétouan (Morocco), Dr Devaux, Ms Jouati our secretary, and Jean-Yves Laluet (phD) is group leader at Saint-Gobain research (Paris).


20th birthday

At 20, one is still young but already an adult… with a bit of delay, happy birthday to the seminal paper of Pr. Thomas Ebbesen about extraordinary transmission, that was published in Nature in February 1998 ! To (re)read it, just click the link.