A step further towards biomolecular systems

A new publication, resulting from our collaboration with Vladimir Torbeev appeared yesterday in the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. This work makes a bridge between quantum electrodynamics and biology, by showing the possibility of modifying the vibrational modes of proteins via strong-coupling. It opens the door to more studies involving the proteins vibrational dynamics and for example, how it affects enzyme catalysis and H/D exchange experiments. You can find the paper here or download it from our publications page.


Welcome to Yoseline !

Yoseline Rosales Cabara joined our group on October 1st for starting a phD thesis on optical trapping under the supervision of Cyriaque Genet. She did her master degree in the University of Geneva, working on two-photon excited fluorescence by quantum correlated photon pairs. She is installed in room 120 and her email adress is rosalescabara (at) unistra (dot) fr.


And the winner is…

You are probably already aware but we are glad to write one more time that our colleague Jean-Pierre Sauvage was awarded today the Nobel prize in chemistry for the development of molecular machines. He is sharing it with Prof. Fraser Stoddart, from Northewestern University, USA,  and Prof. Ben Feringa, from University of Groningen, the Netherlands. Congratulations to all of them !
