Spying chirality nucleation

A new paper from our group has just been accepted for publication in Journal of Physical Chemistry C, nicely combining physics and chemistry. Indeed, using a Mueller polarimetry optical setup, we were able to monitor the different stages of the self-assembly of an achiral cyanine molecule into supramolecular chiral aggregates. You will find the just accepted version on the publications page.

20th birthday

At 20, one is still young but already an adult… with a bit of delay, happy birthday to the seminal paper of Pr. Thomas Ebbesen about extraordinary transmission, that was published in Nature in February 1998 ! To (re)read it, just click the link.

Women at ISIS

Here is a nice picture of women working at ISIS taken on March 8th in front of the institute, to celebrate women’s international day.

Note that they are accompanied by Pr. Lehn and Pr. Samori.