Welcome to Luis !

Since a week, we have the pleasure to welcome our first brazilian lab member, Luis Pires. Luis is a physicist by education, now specialist of optical tweezers and colloidal interactions. He received his master and PhD from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and did a six month internship at Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis, USA. Welcome to him !


Anoop’s departure

A week ago, it was the last day in the lab of our friend and colleague Anoop Thomas, who spent more than 5 years among us. We will all miss his good mood and curiosity, his knowledge in chemistry, his assistance and availability for the younger students and more generally, for all people in the group… but we are very happy for him that he was offered a great position of assistant professor at the Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, at Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore. We wish him and his family all the best for the future and will keep in touch !

Minghao phD Defense

It is our pleasure to announce the phD defense of Minghao Li next wednesday, 18th of November, at 2pm. His work, entitled

Mueller polarimetry for probing supramolecular and optical chiralities

has been performed under the supervision of Dr Cyriaque Genet.

The defense, making use of a videoconferencing system, will take place in ISIS2 seminar room but due to sanitary conditions, access will be limited.

Welcome to Sudipta !

A new postdoctoral researcher joined the group one week ago : Sudipta Saha is a physicist with specialization in optical physics and photonics. He received his integrated MS-PhD in physical sciences from the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata, India. Subsequently, he conducted his postdoctoral research at the Florida International University, USA. Welcome to him !

Welcome to Shahana !

We have the pleasure to welcome a new phD student coming from India, Shahana Nizar. She completed her master degree from IISER Thiruvananthapuram in June 2020 with chemistry as major subject and physics as minor subject. During her master thesis, she has been working on the chiroptical properties of aggregates, under the supervision of Pr. George Thomas.

Mirrors and nothingness…

An interesting article written by Katrina Krämer just appeared in Chemistry World, about the control of chemical reactions via hybrid-light matter states. It summarizes, via the opinion of some actors of this research field like T.W. Ebbesen, J. Yuen-Zhou or Felipe Herrera, what is known already, what still needs to be understood and what could be the future of the field.

Welcome to Sandeep and Soh !

We have the pleasure to welcome two new postdoctoral researchers in our group :

  • Dr Sandeep Kulangara, who completed his PhD from Indian Institute of Science Education and Research inThiruvananthapuram and then worked two years and a half at the Government Victoria College Palakkad as an assistant professor in chemistry.
  • Dr Soh Kushida, who completed his PhD at Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg under the supervision of Prof. Uwe H. F. Bunz on March 2020 and has been since April 2020 a superlative postdoc (SPD) of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.

Summer reading

Our latest manuscript has just been accepted for publication in ACS Nano. We are showing that it is possible to enhance both the conductivity and photoconductivity of a p-type semiconductor rr-P3HT that is ultra-strongly coupled to plasmonic modes. In addition, the photoconductivity shows a modified spectral response due to the formation of the hybrid polaritonic states.

Congratulations to all co-authors !

PhD defense of Yoseline Cabara-Rosales

We are pleased to announce the phD defense of Yoseline Cabara-Rosales on Thursday, 9th of July, at 10am. Her work, entitled

Agir sur une sonde Brownienne : des forces optiques aux protocoles thermodynamiques optimaux (Acting on a brownian probe : from optical forces to optimal thermodynamical protocols)

has been performed under the supervision of Dr. Genet. Due to the sanitary situation, the defense will take place in the Salle de Conférence of ISIS with a limited number of people, making use of a videoconferencing system.

Role of Symmetry in Vibrational Strong Coupling

Our latest paper is online and open access in Angewandte Chemie. We explore and reveal the critical role of molecular symmetry in vibrational strong coupling (VSC) in the case of a charge-transfer (CT) complexation reaction. We show indeed that VSC induces large changes in the equilibrium constant of the mesitylene-I2 CT complex, which can be either enhanced or suppressed depending only on the symmetry of the
vibration coupled to the vacuum electromagnetic field.