French minister of research visited our lab

We received the visit of the french minister of Research, higher Education and Innovation, Mme Frédérique Vidal, last monday at ISIS, to announce the creation of a mission “Campus de l’Innovation” (see University of Strasbourg website for more information). We had in particular the opportunity to show her our FIB/SEM Auriga from Zeiss Company.

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Special Issue in ACS Photonics

Last week a special issue on Strong Coupling of Molecules to Cavities appeared in ACS Photonics, following San Sebastian international workshop that took place in July 2017 and which was the first dedicated to this fascinating topic. This issue is presenting the state-of-the-art of the subject, with nearly 30 contributions, among which two papers from our group, mentionned in a previous post.

The editorial, written by the guest Editors Pr. Barnes, Pr. Aizpurua and Pr. Garcia-Vidal, kindly recalls that ” it was the pioneering work of Ebbesen and coworkers through a slew of fascinating results over the past five years or so that demonstrated the power of strong coupling to modify molecular and material properties.

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Who’s who ?

Below these helmets, one can find one University president, two Nobel Prize laureates, one Kavli Prize laureate and ISIS present director

Unusal visitors for a construction site… except when this is the one of ISIS extension !

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(Old) new publications…

Two new papers from our group, already published online in October 2017, will appear “asap” in ACS photonics. The first one, Electronic Light–Matter Strong Coupling in Nanofluidic Fabry–Pérot Cavities, by Hadi Bahsoun et al, makes use of nanofluidic Fabry-Pérot cavities to strongly couple a molecule in solution.

The second, Vibro-Polaritonic IR Emission in the Strong Coupling Regime, by Thibault Chervy et al, studies the emission of the hybrid vibro-polaritonic states.

Please find these papers in our publications page !


A chaire in Collège de France for Thomas Ebbesen

Pr. Thomas Ebbesen will be leading for the year 2017-2018 the Chaire d’Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt in Collège de France, intended to highlight the importance of research works dedicated to technological innovations. The courses program is entitled L’Alchimie du vide – Interactions lumière-matière en chimie physique and you can find more details following this link.

Double departure

Double defense, double departure…  recently two of our phDs left the lab. Dr Hadi Bahsoun finished his contract at the end of September and he is presently looking for a position. Dr Thibault Chervy started a postdoc last week in ETH Zürich, in the Quantum Photonics group headed by  Pr Atac Imamoglu.

We wish them good luck for the future !

Perspective on long-range energy transfer in Science

Francisco Garcia-Vidal and Johannes Feist, from IFIMAC, Madrid University, and DIPC, Donastia, have written a nice perspective paper in Science related to our work on energy transfer between spacially separated entangled molecules published recently in Angewandte Chemie (see publications page). This perspective has been published on Septembre 29, and if not already done, you can download it here.


Mini-symposium and phD defenses on 14th and 15th of September

We are pleased to announce for next week a mini-symposium on light-matter strong coupling with three seminars given by members of the phD jurys of Hadi Bahsoun and Thibault Chervy : Prof. Jaime Gomez Rivas, Prof. Angel Rubio and Prof. Atac Imamoglu.

This mini-symposium will take place in the conference room of ISIS, on Friday 15th of September from 9pm. For the detailed program, see here below :

The day before, on Thursday 14th at 2pm, Hadi Bahsoun will defend his PhD thesis entitled Strong Coupling of Electronic Transitions of Molecular Materials in the Liquid Phase

Then on Friday 15th at 2pm, it will be the turn of Thibault Chervy, whose work is entitled Strong coupling regime of cavity quantum electrodynamics and its consequences on molecules and materials

These works have been done under the supervision Prof. T.W. Ebbesen and in both cases, a small reception will follow the defense at the 6th floor of ISIS.