Seminar Pr. Jana Zaumseil

Next Thursday, 7 of September, we will have the pleasure to receive  Prof. Jana Zaumseil, from Institute for Physical Chemistry, Heidelberg University, Germany for a seminar entitled 

“Optical and Electrical Generation of Exciton-Polaritons in Semiconducting Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes”

It will take place in the Salle de Conférence of ISIS at 2pm.

A paper on this subject has just been published in Nature Materials.


Au revoir Jino

Our dear friend and colleague Jino George has eventually left after five years and a half spent among us, a long period while we had time to create strong links together. He contributed a lot to the work done in the lab, while building a nice family with his wife. Now Jino has obtained a great position in India at the chemistry department of IISER Mohali (Chandigarh, Penjab) where he just started a new group. Congratulations and good luck Jino !

Picture : Jino’s farewell party at ISIS

Summer reading

Our last paper published recently in Angewandte Chemie, has been added to our Publications page. We showed direct evidence of non-radiative energy transfer neither of Förster nor of Dexter type, but due to the delocalized and entangled nature of  the hybrid polaritonic states. We have measured energy transfer efficiency close to 37% for donor-acceptor distances over 100nm.

New members in the team

We have the pleasure to welcome two new post-doctoral researchers in our group since the 1st of July : Marcus Seidel and Kalaivanan Nagajaran.

Kalaivanan is coming from Kerala, India, and did his phD in the School of Chemistry of the Indian Institute of Science, Education and Research of Thiruvananthapuram on the “Strategies to Access Triplet Excited State in Core-Twisted Perylenediimides”, under the supervision of Dr. Mahesh Hariharan.

Marcus is coming from Germany and the topic of his phD work was the development of high power femtosecond thin-disk laser, where his research was focused on pulse compression, carrier-envelope-phase stabilization and broadband mid-infrared generation. It has been prepared in the Max-Planck Institute for Quantum Optics in Garching, in the group of Pr. Ferenc Krausz.

Morevover, Ming-Hao Li, who was with us for a Master 2 training, will stay in the lab and continue for a phD as he received a grant from the Ecole Doctorale de Chimie. Congratulations to him !

Another departure

Xiaolan Zhong, who has been working in our group as a postdoc for three years and a half is leaving us this week. She has obtained an assistant professor position at Beihang University in Beijing and we wish her good luck for the future !

See ya James !

James Hutchison, our dear bloody fair dinkum aussie mate, is leaving today for a 18 months secondment in Melbourne University, we wish him good luck there !

ISIS is expanding

A nice picture of all the ISIS members (at least those present this day, February 21) was taken last week in front of the institute. For information, ISIS will expand next year as the works for the building extension just started this month, a nice way to celebrate its 15th birthday !