Last Thursday, Shahana Nizar, phD student in our group, the Young Scientist Seminar of ISIS, at 9.30am, in the conference room, see flyer here below.
Next Thursday, September 22, we organize a (mini) symposium on light-matter coupled materials that will take place at 2pm in the salle de Conférences of ISIS, with the following speakers :
(3.30pm Coffee break)
For more details about the talks, you can download the program here.
Today, we have the pleasure to welcome Pr Hiroshi Fukumura (KU Leuven, Belgium, & Tohoku University, Japan) who will give a talk at 11am in the Salle de Conférence of ISIS, entitled
“Liquid-liquid phase separation dynamics: hierarchy from molecular level to continuous bulk”
Here below you can find the abstract of his talk :
Pulsed laser induced liquid-liquid phase separation has been studied with various time-resolved techniques. Time-resolved Raman spectroscopy and fluorescence spectroscopy revealed molecular level changes immediately after the laser pulses up to 1 . Ultrafast imaging under conventional microscopes showed macroscopic changes started 10 after the laser pulse. The macroscopic phase separation seemed to follow spinodal decomposition described by Kahn-Hilliard theory. It is, however, yet unclear what occurs in the time range between 1 and 10 . Recently we have succeeded in observing this time range with time-resolved structured illumination as well as optical diffraction techniques. Possible explanation of our results would be that mesoscopic entities like micelle-like structures mediate between molecular level changes and macroscopic spinodal decomposition. Related topics like liquid-liquid phase separation in living cells, critical Casimir force in binary liquids, laser ablation and implantation of polymer surfaces may be introduced.
Kevin Kubarych, from the University of Michigan, is visiting our lab today and tomorrow with two of his collaborators. He will give a seminar entitled
Exploring Vibrational Polariton Dynamics with Ultrafast Two-Dimensional Infrared Spectroscopy
this afternoon, October 8, at 2.30pm in the meeting room of ISIS.
This week, we will have the pleasure to receive Pr. George Thomas from IISER Thiruvananthapuram for the second time. He will give a conference at ISIS on Wednesday, the 15th of May at 4.30pm, entitled
Coupling of Elementary Excitations : Drawing Parallels Between Excitons and Plasmons
that will take place in the salle de conférence of ISIS.
Pr Wybren Jan Buma, from Van’t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences in Amsterdam University will be visiting our lab next week, on March 28th and 29th. He will give a conference on March 28th at 4.30pm in the salle de conférence, entitled
Tailoring Photoactive Materials : Light on the dark side of the force
“The E-MRS Anniversary Award recognizes the career contribution of a scientist to fundamental understanding of the science of materials through experimental and/or theoretical research.” It is attributed every five years and after Sir Richard Friend, Prof. Dan Schechtman and Sir John Pendry, the award has been attributed this year to … Prof. Thomas Ebbesen !
He will receive it during the E-MRS conference plenary session on Wednesday 20th June in Strasbourg, where he will deliver a presentation on
Light-Matter Interactions in a Material Science Perspective.
Next week, on June 18 and 19, and in the framework of the Chaire Annuelle d’Innovation Technologique Liliane Bettencourt, a colloquium organized by Thomas Ebbesen will take place in College de France, Paris, entitled
New QED Landscapes for Molecules and Materials
The speakers will be a mix of former or actual collaborators from our group and world recognized specialists in the field and the detailed program is visible here below.