Let it snow !

To start the week, here is winter group picture taken on ISIS terrace during the new year celebration of the institute, on January 24th.

Thanks to Caroline Schneider, our photograph !

Women at ISIS

Here is a nice picture of women working at ISIS taken on March 8th in front of the institute, to celebrate women’s international day.

Note that they are accompanied by Pr. Lehn and Pr. Samori.

Who’s who ?

Below these helmets, one can find one University president, two Nobel Prize laureates, one Kavli Prize laureate and ISIS present director

Unusal visitors for a construction site… except when this is the one of ISIS extension !

Source : http://lactu.unistra.fr

ISIS is expanding

A nice picture of all the ISIS members (at least those present this day, February 21) was taken last week in front of the institute. For information, ISIS will expand next year as the works for the building extension just started this month, a nice way to celebrate its 15th birthday !