
Our group 10 years ago was smaller…

Permanent people are still there and all the former postdocs and phD students on the picture found a position afterwards. From left to right (with their position in 2008), Pr Ebbesen, Dr Genet, Adi Salomon (postdoc) is now leading a group in Bar-Ilan University in Israel, Eric Laux (phD) is Director in Strategy & Business Development for Quantum Global Group in Zug Switzerland, but also professor in the Luxembourg School of Business, Frédéric Przybilla (phD) is assistant professor in Laboratoire de Bioimagerie et Pathologies (Pharmacy University, Strasbourg), Aurélien Drezet (postdoc) is a CNRS researcher in the team “Nano-optique et forces” (Néel Institute, Grenoble), Oussama Mahboub (phD) is assistant professor at ENSA Tétouan (Morocco), Dr Devaux, Ms Jouati our secretary, and Jean-Yves Laluet (phD) is group leader at Saint-Gobain research (Paris).


Inaugural lecture at Collège de France

As mentionned in a previous post, Thomas Ebbesen was elected to an annual chair at Collège de France this year. He will give his inaugural lecture entitled The Alchemy of the Void – Light-Matter Interactions in Physical Chemistry on May 2nd, 6pm at the Collège de France in Paris (Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre – Marcelin Berthelot), then a serie of courses will follow in May and June and the detailed program can be found here. Lectures are open to all, free of charge and without prior registration so if you can catch a train to Paris, don’t hesitate to attend !


Women at ISIS

Here is a nice picture of women working at ISIS taken on March 8th in front of the institute, to celebrate women’s international day.

Note that they are accompanied by Pr. Lehn and Pr. Samori.

Thomas Ebbesen Doctor Honoris Causa from KU Leuven

On the occasion of Patron Saint’s Day,  February 2nd, Thomas Ebbesen received an honorary doctorate from the Catholic University (Katholieke Universiteit) of Leuven. He was nominated by Professors Johan Hofkens and Maarten Roeffaers, during an impressive and beautiful ceremony.

A nice article, with a short video interview, have been published on the KU Leuven news website, and you can read it here in english.

French minister of research visited our lab

We received the visit of the french minister of Research, higher Education and Innovation, Mme Frédérique Vidal, last monday at ISIS, to announce the creation of a mission “Campus de l’Innovation” (see University of Strasbourg website for more information). We had in particular the opportunity to show her our FIB/SEM Auriga from Zeiss Company.

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Who’s who ?

Below these helmets, one can find one University president, two Nobel Prize laureates, one Kavli Prize laureate and ISIS present director

Unusal visitors for a construction site… except when this is the one of ISIS extension !

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A chaire in Collège de France for Thomas Ebbesen

Pr. Thomas Ebbesen will be leading for the year 2017-2018 the Chaire d’Innovation technologique Liliane Bettencourt in Collège de France, intended to highlight the importance of research works dedicated to technological innovations. The courses program is entitled L’Alchimie du vide – Interactions lumière-matière en chimie physique and you can find more details following this link.