Welcome to (another) Rémi !

We have the pleasure to welcome for one year Rémi Avriller as a visiting researcher in our team, as part of the Itinerance@INC2023 call. Rémi is a permanent researcher from the CNRS in Condensed Matter Theory team and Quantum Transport and Nano Electro Mechanical Systems group in LOMA, Bordeaux University, France. He is a condensed matter theorist, specialized in mesoscopic physics and quantum transport. He is currently investigating the stochastic dynamics of chemical reactions and the chiroptical properties of molecules strongly coupled to electromagnetic Fabry-Pérot modes and no doubt that we will share plenty of nice discussions and projects with him !

Congratulations Rémi !

Last Friday, the 26th of June, our former PhD student Rémi Goerlich, now in Tel Aviv University, received a prix de thèse from Strasbourg University, for his promising results, with 20 other doctors who graduated in 2022 in different fields (Sciences and Technology, Life and Health Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences). More information on the University website !

Photo : Nicolas Busser


Welcome back to Antoine !

Antoine Tartar, who already did a Master 2 training in our lab, started a phD last week, so we will have the pleasure to have him in the team for a little more time. Following his master, he will work under the supervision of Cyraique Genet on optical trapping.

Welcome to Lucas !

Last week, Lucas Maisonnette arrived in the team to start a M1 training. Lucas is a student in 3rd year at Ecole Polytechnique in Paris and will stay among us for 4 months, to work on stochastic thermodynamics experiments and simulations. Welcome to him !

Welcome back to Anjali !

We have the pleasure to have Anjali Jayachandran back in the team. Indeed Anjali was already part of the lab for a 6 months master training in 2018. Then she returned to India where she was involved in a non-profit organization. She is now among us for a short contract of laboratory technician. Welcome back to her !

Au revoir Rémi

Rémi Goerlich, who defended in the very end of September, finished his phD contract and after a small break, just left for a postdoctoral position in Israël. After spending close to 4 years in our lab and at IPCMS, as he started as a master 2 student, he will now work in the team of Yael Roichman in Tel Aviv University. We wish him all the best in his new life !

Rémi preraring (veggie) flammekueche (Photo Minghao Li)

End of the year and goodbyes

Last Friday, we had our traditional end of the year group dinner, with former, actual and “about to leave” members of the lab. Indeed, it was also the occasion to say goodbye to Soh Kushida, who left one day later for Japan, where he will work at the Institute of Materials Science, Tsukuba University, but also to his fellow, Yoichi Sasaki, who will also leave us at the end of the month. On his side, Yoichi has been hired as assistant professor in the Kimizuka lab, at the Center for Molecular Systems in Kyushu University.  Both Soh and Yoichi have been friendly colleagues who were involved in the social life of the team, thus contributing to his good atmosphere, and both worked on new and demanding research projects that recently bear fruits, no doubt that they will come back to finish some experiments !

Good luck to them !

Welcome Sujith !

Since one week, we have the pleasure to have a new postdoctoral researcher among us, Dr Sujith Meleppatt. Sujith comes from Kerala, at the very south of India, and did his master in chemistry in Calicut. Then he continued with a phD at IISER Thiruvananthapuram, studying the chirooptical properties of molecules and nanomaterials under the supervision of Pr Georges Thomas. Welcome to him !