Since last week, we are welcoming a new master 2 student, Rémi Goerlich, in cooperation with the Dyno group at IPCMS. He will work with Yoseline Cabara-Rosalès and Samuel Albert on the stochastic protocols in an optical trap.
Welcome to him !
Since last week, we are welcoming a new master 2 student, Rémi Goerlich, in cooperation with the Dyno group at IPCMS. He will work with Yoseline Cabara-Rosalès and Samuel Albert on the stochastic protocols in an optical trap.
Welcome to him !
Related to our publication in Science, here is a nice article of Andy Extance on Chemistry World, featuring Lucas Lethuillier and Kalaivanan Nagarajan as guest-stars.
Savoir(s), the magazine of the University of Strasbourg has also interviewed Thomas Ebbesen and Anoop Thomas. Here is the article, in french that time, illustrated by a nice picture in front of our FIB system.
Source : Pascal Bastien
On Wednesday 13th of February, Thomas Ebbesen received his prize, le grand prix 2018 de la fondation de la Maison de la Chimie, during a special colloquium “Chimie et Alexandrie dans l’Antiquité”. Congratulations again !
Source :
Dr Yantao Pang, assistant professor, in Shandong Jianzhu University, in Jinan (China) arrived in Strasbourg two days ago. He already spent one year in our lab in 2005 then came back for a shorter stay in 2012. This time, he is back again for one year and will be located in office 109. Welcome back to him !
We are pleased to announce the PhD defense of Oussama Sentissi on Friday, December 7. His work, entitled Étude du mouvement Brownien sous champ de force externe et diffusion anormales (Study of brownian motion under an external force field and anomalous diffusion), has been performed under the supervision of Dr. Genet. The defense will take place in the Salle de Conférence of ISIS, at 2pm.
A pot de thèse will follow at the 6th floor of ISIS (Espace Vasconi).
We have the pleasure to welcome James Hutchison for a few days in the lab, till November 29. He will stay in room 107 during his visit. His 18 months secondment in Melbourne turned into a 4 years “Future fellow” position so he will fly back to Australia soon…
The idea was born around a beer after a conference in Paris a few months ago : we decided to create an Alumni list with all former phD’s, postdoctoral researchers and associate researchers who worked with Thomas Ebbesen. A first (imperfect) list was written on the corner of the table… and a few months later, we are happy to announce the creation of the Alumni page, that we finally restricted to former collaborations within the Laboratoire des Nanostructures only.
Of course, any new information and corrections are welcome !