Winter publication

The collaboration with IPCMS on TMDs continues to be fruitful and after the recipe for a chiraliton, here is the one for a sandwich of 2D materials, also called van der Waals heterostructure, preserving valley polarization and coherence. No need for an oven, everything is done at room temperature ! More details in the publication, that will appear asap in ACS Photonics.


FRET or Lasing ?

A new publication, resulting from a collaboration between our group and japanese colleagues has just been accepted in Nanoletters. Microcrystals of COPV’s (carbon-bridged oligo-phenylenevinylenes) have been prepared, with donor and acceptor characters, and used as optical resonators. Depending on the laser pumping intensity, either FRET or lasing was measured, with a control of the lasing wavelength through the doping level of the acceptor. This is a step towards the realization of organic solid FRET lasers with microcrystalline resonators. You will find the paper in the publications page.

Chiral trapping in PRL

A new publication resulting from a collaboration between our group and David Norris and Lisa Poulikakos, from OMEL group at ETH Zürich has just been accepted in Physical Review Letters. It demonstrates the trapping of single chiral nanoparticles and their in situ recognition via polarimetry measurements. You can find the as soon as publishable version in our publications page.


Spying chirality nucleation

A new paper from our group has just been accepted for publication in Journal of Physical Chemistry C, nicely combining physics and chemistry. Indeed, using a Mueller polarimetry optical setup, we were able to monitor the different stages of the self-assembly of an achiral cyanine molecule into supramolecular chiral aggregates. You will find the just accepted version on the publications page.

Recipe for a Chiraliton

Take a plasmon mode having a its spin-momentum locked. Add a strong valley exciton, spin-polarized. Keep them together at room temperature. You will obtain a nice chiraliton.

For a more detailed recipe, check this publication in ACS Photonics, result of a fruitful collaboration between former and actual members of our group and colleagues at IPCMS. Bon appétit !

Special Issue in ACS Photonics

Last week a special issue on Strong Coupling of Molecules to Cavities appeared in ACS Photonics, following San Sebastian international workshop that took place in July 2017 and which was the first dedicated to this fascinating topic. This issue is presenting the state-of-the-art of the subject, with nearly 30 contributions, among which two papers from our group, mentionned in a previous post.

The editorial, written by the guest Editors Pr. Barnes, Pr. Aizpurua and Pr. Garcia-Vidal, kindly recalls that ” it was the pioneering work of Ebbesen and coworkers through a slew of fascinating results over the past five years or so that demonstrated the power of strong coupling to modify molecular and material properties.

Source :

(Old) new publications…

Two new papers from our group, already published online in October 2017, will appear “asap” in ACS photonics. The first one, Electronic Light–Matter Strong Coupling in Nanofluidic Fabry–Pérot Cavities, by Hadi Bahsoun et al, makes use of nanofluidic Fabry-Pérot cavities to strongly couple a molecule in solution.

The second, Vibro-Polaritonic IR Emission in the Strong Coupling Regime, by Thibault Chervy et al, studies the emission of the hybrid vibro-polaritonic states.

Please find these papers in our publications page !


Perspective on long-range energy transfer in Science

Francisco Garcia-Vidal and Johannes Feist, from IFIMAC, Madrid University, and DIPC, Donastia, have written a nice perspective paper in Science related to our work on energy transfer between spacially separated entangled molecules published recently in Angewandte Chemie (see publications page). This perspective has been published on Septembre 29, and if not already done, you can download it here.


Summer reading

Our last paper published recently in Angewandte Chemie, has been added to our Publications page. We showed direct evidence of non-radiative energy transfer neither of Förster nor of Dexter type, but due to the delocalized and entangled nature of  the hybrid polaritonic states. We have measured energy transfer efficiency close to 37% for donor-acceptor distances over 100nm.

A nice PRL Editorial to start 2017

As this 2017 year has started in a somehow troubled and strange manner for the world, we hope that things will stabilize in the coming months.  And as all the actions toward a more peaceful world desserve to be highlighted, we wanted to bring to the fore this nice editorial from Pierre Meystre in Physical Review Letters.