Winter visitors

Since almost two weeks, we have the pleasure to welcome back Luis Pires, now assistant professor at the Federal University of Viçosa (Brazil), for one month in the lab. And next week, Atef Shalabney, from Braude College (Karmiel, Israel), will also come back for a shorter one week stay. Who else is missing the lab and Strasbourg winter cold ?


Visit of Pr Paulo Maia Neto

Since the end of last week, Pr Paulo Maia Neto, from Physics Institute of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) is back in Strasbourg for a one month stay, as last year, in the context of the CAPES COFECUB project we are sharing together.

Moreover, he will give a the seminar entitled

The Casimir Interaction in Electrolyte Solutions

on Thursday December 19th at 10.30 am, at ISIS (meeting room, ground floor). If you wish to meet him, don’t hesitate to contact Dr Cyriaque Genet.

Visit and seminar of Dr Dago

Dr. Salambô Dago (Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology (VCQ) University of Vienna) will visit our lab from today till Friday. Tomorrow, Thursday September 12th at 14:00 am, she will give a seminar at the Centre Européen de Sciences Quantiques (CESQ) on the Cronenbourg campus, entitled :

Two applications of feedback control on a nano and micro-system: Thermodynamic of Information & Optical Levitation in the Dark

A summary of the talk can be downloaded here. Do not hesitate to contact Cyriaque Genet if you would like to meet Dr. Dago during her visit


Visit of Pr Paulo Maia Neto

We will have the pleasure to host in our lab Pr Paulo Maia Neto, from Physics Institute of UFRJ, Brazil, for a full month from December 6. He is a specialist in quantum optics, Casimir physics, quantum optomechanics and optical tweezers. During his stay, he will give two lectures in the framework of the Physics Doctoral School

– Lecture 1 (December 11, 4pm) : Decoherence of massive particles by radiation pressure

– Lecture 2 (December 20, 4pm) : Dynamical Casimir effects with atoms

You can find more details about the lectures, that will take place in the auditorium of IPCMS, Cronenbourg Campus, on this page.

If you wish to meet Pr Maia Neto during his stay, don’t hesitate to contact Dr Cyriaque Genet.

Seminar Pr Felipe A. Pinheiro

Pr Felipe A. Pinheiro, from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), will visit us on Monday 27 and Tuesday 28. On this occasion, he will give a seminar entitled

“Natural optical activity in disordered media and optical tweezing of chiral particles”

at the CESQ (Cronenbourg Campus) Tuesday 28 at 10.30am. If you wish to meet him during his stay, don’t hesitate to contact Dr Cyriaque Genet.




Welcome to (another) Rémi !

We have the pleasure to welcome for one year Rémi Avriller as a visiting researcher in our team, as part of the Itinerance@INC2023 call. Rémi is a permanent researcher from the CNRS in Condensed Matter Theory team and Quantum Transport and Nano Electro Mechanical Systems group in LOMA, Bordeaux University, France. He is a condensed matter theorist, specialized in mesoscopic physics and quantum transport. He is currently investigating the stochastic dynamics of chemical reactions and the chiroptical properties of molecules strongly coupled to electromagnetic Fabry-Pérot modes and no doubt that we will share plenty of nice discussions and projects with him !

Daichi Okada is visiting us

Daichi Okada, who already spent two months in our lab in the autumn of 2017, is back for another two months stay. He is currently working in Kyushu University, in the group of Pr Adachi where his research topics is laser applications of self-assembled organic micro-structures. If you wish to meet him, he is staying in room 105. Welcome back to him !

Seminar Kevin Kubarych

Kevin Kubarych, from the University of Michigan, is visiting our lab today and tomorrow with two of his collaborators. He will give a seminar entitled

Exploring Vibrational Polariton Dynamics with Ultrafast Two-Dimensional Infrared Spectroscopy

this afternoon, October 8, at 2.30pm in the meeting room of ISIS.