Visit of Pr Paulo Maia Neto

We will have the pleasure to host in our lab Pr Paulo Maia Neto, from Physics Institute of UFRJ, Brazil, for a full month from December 6. He is a specialist in quantum optics, Casimir physics, quantum optomechanics and optical tweezers. During his stay, he will give two lectures in the framework of the Physics Doctoral School

– Lecture 1 (December 11, 4pm) : Decoherence of massive particles by radiation pressure

– Lecture 2 (December 20, 4pm) : Dynamical Casimir effects with atoms

You can find more details about the lectures, that will take place in the auditorium of IPCMS, Cronenbourg Campus, on this page.

If you wish to meet Pr Maia Neto during his stay, don’t hesitate to contact Dr Cyriaque Genet.

Seminar Pr Felipe A. Pinheiro

Pr Felipe A. Pinheiro, from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), will visit us on Monday 27 and Tuesday 28. On this occasion, he will give a seminar entitled

“Natural optical activity in disordered media and optical tweezing of chiral particles”

at the CESQ (Cronenbourg Campus) Tuesday 28 at 10.30am. If you wish to meet him during his stay, don’t hesitate to contact Dr Cyriaque Genet.




Welcome to Francesco !

Since one week, we have the pleasure to welcome Francesco Bertocchi as a visiting PhD student in our group. He graduated from University of Parma in 2021 with a master’s degree in Chemistry, then he started a PhD in Chemical Sciences, still at University of Parma, in the Spectroscopy and Modeling of Functional Molecular Materials group, directed by Pr Anna Painelli. His main research interests are supramolecular aggregation and chirality. Francesco is now in his third and last PhD year and will stay among us for 3 months, welcome to him !

Departures and arrivals

As often, autumn is a period of departures and arrivals in the lab : Shahana, Bianca and Sujith all left the group after the end of their contract, and we wish them all the best for their future !

We have the pleasure to welcome two new students, Benjamin Boglio and Swathi Swaminathan.

Photo : Antoine Tartar

Ladies first, Swathi is originated from Tamil Nadu (India). She is a physical chemist and graduated in 2015 from Pondichéry University. She pursued with a phD thesis at IIT Kanpur, entitled Harvesting hot holes through visible light excitation of plasmonic nanoparticles for photocatalytic reactions, under the supervision of Dr Manabendra Chandra and Pr. Jitendra K. Bera and she defended in may 2023. She will help us to elucidate how chemical reactions are affected by vibrational strong coupling.

Concerning Benjamin, he was born in New Caledonia but grew up in Tasmania (Australia). He moved to Strasbourg where he obtained his bachelor degree in chemistry before integrating the program of the CSC graduate school. He is now starting his phD under the codirection of Mathias Pauly , from PECMAT team at ICS, and Cyriaque Genet. He will study chirality preserving mirrors and chiral cavities with the Mueller polarimetry.

Welcome to both of them !


Bianca’s phD defense

Today, Bianca Patrahau will defend her phD thesis entitled

Chemistry under vibrational strong coupling

Her work was carried out under the supervision of Thomas Ebbesen and her jury will be composed of two invited members, Petra Hellwig and Cyriaque Genet, from Strasbourg University, and two referees, Clémentine Symonds, from Institut Lumière Matière, at Université Lyon 1, and Aloyse Degiron, from Laboratoire Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques, at Université Paris Cité.

The defense will take place in ISIS conference room at 9 am.

Shahana’s phD defense and Minisymposium

Shahana Nizar Nizar-Shyla will defend her phD work, entitled

Characterization of chiral supramolecular assemblies using Mueller polarimetry

and performed under the supervision of Cyriaque Genet, tomorrow September 20, at 9am in the seminar room of ISIS2 (2nd floor).

On this occasion, we will have this afternoon a minisymposium at 3pm (same place) “Chirality, from molecular engineering to high resolution chiroptical spectroscopy“, welcoming Jeanne Crassous from Rennes University and Anne Zehnacker-Rentien from Paris-Saclay University. Please have a look here for the abstracts of their talks.