As this 2017 year has started in a somehow troubled and strange manner for the world, we hope that things will stabilize in the coming months. And as all the actions toward a more peaceful world desserve to be highlighted, we wanted to bring to the fore this nice editorial from Pierre Meystre in Physical Review Letters.
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Second-Harmonic generation from hybrid states
We just published a new paper in Nano Letters, resulting from a collaboration with colleagues at IPCMS (Strasbourg), and Radboud University (Nijmegen), about second-harmonic generation boosted by hybrid light-matter states. This effect is induced by the modification of the nonlinear optical (NLO) susceptibility of organic nanofiber crystals placed into optical microcavities. As the system could be even further optimized, in particular by the use of other types of optical resonators, this opens the door to more efficient NLO organic devices. Please find the paper in our publications page !
Seminar Marcus Seidel about ultrafast spectroscopy
On Thursday, 24th of November, our guest Marcus Seidel, from Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics (Garching, Germany) will give a talk entitled
“About femtoseconds : pulse compression, mid-infrared generation and measurements of ultrafast molecular responses”
It will take place in the 1st floor seminar room (125) at 11am and you are all welcome to listen to him and/or to meet him.
A blog on our paper
Derek Lowe, publisher for Science Translational Medicine , has written a nice blog about our recent paper published in Angewandte Chemie, about ground-state chemical reactivity under vibrational strong-coupling. You can read the blog here, where you will also find links to other blogs about former results. And the paper itself is of course downloadable from the publications page of this site.
How to modify molecular and material properties
Thomas Ebbesen has written a report for Accounts of chemical research about the notion of hybrid light-matter states and the consequences of their existence on the molecular and material properties. This is an overview of the recent results in this emerging field of research where exciting possibilities remain to be explored. The paper can be downloaded from our publications page.
A step further towards biomolecular systems
A new publication, resulting from our collaboration with Vladimir Torbeev appeared yesterday in the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. This work makes a bridge between quantum electrodynamics and biology, by showing the possibility of modifying the vibrational modes of proteins via strong-coupling. It opens the door to more studies involving the proteins vibrational dynamics and for example, how it affects enzyme catalysis and H/D exchange experiments. You can find the paper here or download it from our publications page.
Who is the intruder ?
To finish the week, a little picture of our group taken last Friday at ISIS. Our intruder is of course Jean-Pierre Sauvage, our Chemistry Nobel Prize new laureate. Once again, we congratulate him for this !
Welcome to Yoseline !
Yoseline Rosales Cabara joined our group on October 1st for starting a phD thesis on optical trapping under the supervision of Cyriaque Genet. She did her master degree in the University of Geneva, working on two-photon excited fluorescence by quantum correlated photon pairs. She is installed in room 120 and her email adress is rosalescabara (at) unistra (dot) fr.
Ultra-strong vibrational coupling bis
The paper on ultra-strong vibrational coupling mentioned in our post from September 9 has been published today, in the last issue of Physical Review Letters. You can read the final version here or download it from our publications page.