Solvent Polarity under VSC

We are pleased to announce the acceptance in JACS of a new paper presenting results obtained in collaboration with Joseph Moran’s group. By coupling some vibrational bands of alcoholic solvents with cavity modes, we showed that their polarity is influenced, by measuring the solvatochromic response of Reichardt’s dye. The shift in the absorption spectrum of the dye depends on the length of the solvents alkyl chain, indicating that dispersion forces are impacted by strong coupling and may be critical to understand how vibrational strong coupling influences chemical reactivity. Congratulations to all !

Food for mind

We just updated the Publications page of the website with a few papers published since the beginning of the year. Au menu, we have chiral Frenkel excitons yielding intense circular dichroism and circular polarization luminescence as starter. The main dish is a study about the optimization of entropic costs during cooling or heating protocols applied to an optically trapped microsphere. As dessert, we finally propose a scattering formulation clarifying how spin momentum locking emerges from a geometric phase metasurface. Congratulations to all people involved in those nice results !

Welcome back to Antoine !

Antoine Tartar, who already did a Master 2 training in our lab, started a phD last week, so we will have the pleasure to have him in the team for a little more time. Following his master, he will work under the supervision of Cyraique Genet on optical trapping.

20 years of ISIS

Those two last days, ISIS was celebrating its birthday, with a bit of delay. We had a very nice scientific program, with 2 sessions on Frontiers in Chemistry and Technology and Sustainability, but also a full afternoon dedicated to privates companies (Innovation and Societal Challenges) that have been involved as antennas in the institute during those 20 years, or playing a key role in our society recently, like BioNTech. It was also the occasion to meet alumni of our team and of the institute. Some more information about the event, the history of the building, etc can be found on the Unistra website.

Happy birthday ISIS and congratulations again to Jean-Marie Lehn, its founder !

Muriel Muzet, administrative director of ISIS, offering the birthday cake to Jean-Marie Lehn (Photo : C. Schneider)

With some alumni of Laboratoire des Nanostructures in front of ISIS                           (Photo : C. Schneider)

Open Postdoctoral Position

We have a post-doc position available from now and are looking for a person with a background in physical organic chemistry and molecular spectroscopy to study chemical reactivity and other molecular processes under vibrational light-matter strong coupling (see Nagarajan et al, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 16877−16889). Interested persons should send a CV with two references and letter of motivation to

Welcome to Lucas !

Last week, Lucas Maisonnette arrived in the team to start a M1 training. Lucas is a student in 3rd year at Ecole Polytechnique in Paris and will stay among us for 4 months, to work on stochastic thermodynamics experiments and simulations. Welcome to him !

Welcome back to Anjali !

We have the pleasure to have Anjali Jayachandran back in the team. Indeed Anjali was already part of the lab for a 6 months master training in 2018. Then she returned to India where she was involved in a non-profit organization. She is now among us for a short contract of laboratory technician. Welcome back to her !

Au revoir Rémi

Rémi Goerlich, who defended in the very end of September, finished his phD contract and after a small break, just left for a postdoctoral position in Israël. After spending close to 4 years in our lab and at IPCMS, as he started as a master 2 student, he will now work in the team of Yael Roichman in Tel Aviv University. We wish him all the best in his new life !

Rémi preraring (veggie) flammekueche (Photo Minghao Li)


We wish our friends, former students and collaborators all around the world a positive, healthy and happy new year !