Those two last days, ISIS was celebrating its birthday, with a bit of delay. We had a very nice scientific program, with 2 sessions on Frontiers in Chemistry and Technology and Sustainability, but also a full afternoon dedicated to privates companies (Innovation and Societal Challenges) that have been involved as antennas in the institute during those 20 years, or playing a key role in our society recently, like BioNTech. It was also the occasion to meet alumni of our team and of the institute. Some more information about the event, the history of the building, etc can be found on the Unistra website.
Happy birthday ISIS and congratulations again to Jean-Marie Lehn, its founder !
Muriel Muzet, administrative director of ISIS, offering the birthday cake to Jean-Marie Lehn (Photo : C. Schneider)
With some alumni of Laboratoire des Nanostructures in front of ISIS (Photo : C. Schneider)