New doctors

The annual and official ceremony of Strasbourg University for the phD graduation took place on friday 21st of June in the Palais Universitaire. Our freshly graduated students, who all defended during fall 2023,  participated and we congratulate them again for this accomplishment !

From left to right : Dr Bianca Patrahau, Dr² Luis Pires and Dr Shahana Nizar Shyla

Photo : Anjali Jayachandran



Congratulations to Luis !

The defense went super well and we congratulate Dr. Dr. Pires, here below with his phD defense jury. Many thanks to the external members for their participation and the inspiring talks they gave during the minisymposium the day before.

Luis’ defense and minisymposium

December is placed under the sign of Brasil in the lab this year, maybe because we miss the sun and the heat, and after the visits of Felipe A. Pinheiro and of Paulo Maia Neto, we are happy to announce the phD defense of Luis Pires.

His work, entitled Entropic costs for brownian protocols was carried out under the supervision of Dr Cyriaque Genet. The defense will take place in ISIS conference room at 9am, on Thursday 14th of December.

On this occasion, a minisymposium about Thermodynamics of fluctuating systems is organized, same place, on Wednesday 13th, 2.30pm, gathering Sabine Klapp (TU Berlin), Paulo Maia Neto (UFRJ Rio de Janeiro), Yann Louyer (LOMA, Bordeaux) and Loïc Rondin (LuMIn, Paris-Saclay). The abstracts of the talks can be downloaded here.

Bianca’s phD defense

Today, Bianca Patrahau will defend her phD thesis entitled

Chemistry under vibrational strong coupling

Her work was carried out under the supervision of Thomas Ebbesen and her jury will be composed of two invited members, Petra Hellwig and Cyriaque Genet, from Strasbourg University, and two referees, Clémentine Symonds, from Institut Lumière Matière, at Université Lyon 1, and Aloyse Degiron, from Laboratoire Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques, at Université Paris Cité.

The defense will take place in ISIS conference room at 9 am.

Shahana’s phD defense and Minisymposium

Shahana Nizar Nizar-Shyla will defend her phD work, entitled

Characterization of chiral supramolecular assemblies using Mueller polarimetry

and performed under the supervision of Cyriaque Genet, tomorrow September 20, at 9am in the seminar room of ISIS2 (2nd floor).

On this occasion, we will have this afternoon a minisymposium at 3pm (same place) “Chirality, from molecular engineering to high resolution chiroptical spectroscopy“, welcoming Jeanne Crassous from Rennes University and Anne Zehnacker-Rentien from Paris-Saclay University. Please have a look here for the abstracts of their talks.

Jamais deux sans trois

Next Thursday, the 29th of September at 9am, it will be the turn of Rémi Goerlich to have his phD defense, that will again take place in the conference room of ISIS. His work, entitled

“Optical control of Brownian diffusion : from bath engineering to quantum analogues”

was supervised by Dr Giovanni Manfredi, IPCMS, and Dr Cyriaque Genet. The day before, Wednesday 28, at 2pm, there will be a minisymposium on brownian motion at IPCMS, please see the flyer for more information.

Double defense

This week, two phD students of the group will be defending :

  • On September 22, 9am, Kripa Joseph, who worked under the supervision of Pr Thomas Ebbesen, will start with her defense entitled
    “Conductivity and supramolecular assembly under light-matter strong coupling”
  • On September 23, 9am, Jérôme Gautier, who has been supervised by Dr Cyriaque Genet and Pr Thomas Ebbesen, will follow with his own defense entitled
    “Effect of chirality in strong light-matter coupling ”

Both defenses will take place in the conference room of ISIS and will be followed by a small reception in the salle Vasconi, 6th floor of ISIS, at lunch time. Don’t forget the mini symposium  inbetween, on September 22 afternoon.Kripa and Jérôme when they were newbies  first arrived in the group, 4 years ago

Minghao phD Defense

It is our pleasure to announce the phD defense of Minghao Li next wednesday, 18th of November, at 2pm. His work, entitled

Mueller polarimetry for probing supramolecular and optical chiralities

has been performed under the supervision of Dr Cyriaque Genet.

The defense, making use of a videoconferencing system, will take place in ISIS2 seminar room but due to sanitary conditions, access will be limited.

PhD defense of Yoseline Cabara-Rosales

We are pleased to announce the phD defense of Yoseline Cabara-Rosales on Thursday, 9th of July, at 10am. Her work, entitled

Agir sur une sonde Brownienne : des forces optiques aux protocoles thermodynamiques optimaux (Acting on a brownian probe : from optical forces to optimal thermodynamical protocols)

has been performed under the supervision of Dr. Genet. Due to the sanitary situation, the defense will take place in the Salle de Conférence of ISIS with a limited number of people, making use of a videoconferencing system.