Gold medal 2019

The official ceremony for the CNRS gold medal took place in Paris, at Le Palais de la Découverte, on Tuesday 26 of November, on the occasion of the celebration of CNRS 80th birthday. The president Emmanuel Macron himself presented Thomas Ebbesen with the medal and the minister of research, Frédérique Vidal, did a nice talk about his career. The video of the ceremony can be watched either on the social medias of the CNRS or on the Elysée website (Thomas’ speech around 1H32mn). There is also an article on the CNRS website with videos that were shooted at ISIS a few weeks ago, and here is a link to one more video shooted by the local TV France 3 Grand Est.

Congratulations again !

Source : Eloïse Devaux & CNRS

New members in the lab

Since October 1st, three new people started a contract in the lab. Women first, we will start with Bianca Patrahau, who already came for a summer training last year. After doing two more trainings in Italy and in Switzerland, she is now starting a phD with us. Then Rémi Goerlich, who did his master 2 training in the lab, in collaboration with Dyno group at IPCMS, is also starting a phD now. To finish, we welcome a new postdoctoral researcher, Gian-Lorenzo Paravicini-Bagliani. He is coming from the Physics Department of ETH Zürich where he worked as a postdoc till July 2019, after defending his phD in the end of 2018 on the magneto-transport in engineered vacuum fields.

Bianca and Gian Lorenzo on the 6th floor terrace

Welcome to Richard !

Since September 16, Richard Karl, originated from Austria but studying at ETH Zürich joined the lab. He will stay 2 months among us, for preparing his bachelor degree thesis, welcome to him !

Welcome back Kripa !

Kripa Joseph, who was already in our lab last year for a 3 months training, is back among us, but this time for 3 years. She is indeed starting a phD in our group after having completed her Master degree in Chemistry from Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Mohali in May 2019. Welcome back to her !

Press review

Crédit photo : Muriel Muzet (from left to right Michel Deneken, Thomas Ebbesen,Jean-Marie Lehn, Jules Hoffman and Masako Hayashi-Ebbesen)

Here are a few links dealing with the CNRS Gold Metal that Thomas Ebbesen received yesterday

Articles in french :

DNA (Dernières Nouvelles d’Alsace)

L’Usine Nouvelle

Le Figaro


L’actualité chimique

Le journal du CNRS

Science et Avenir

La Recherche



Futura Sciences

and a few more in english




and again the CNRS journal but in english !


Gold medal for Thomas !

We have the great pleasure to announce that Thomas Ebbesen will be the next recipient of the CNRS Gold Medal which is the most prestigious french scientific prize. It was created by the CNRS in 1954 and one can find the full list of laureates on the wiki page, among whom Louis De Broglie, Pierre Gilles de Gennes or Jean-Marie Lehn…See also the CNRS publication about it.

An official ceremony will take place in Paris in October 2019.

Congratulations Thomas !

Auf Wiedersehen Marcus !

Dr Marcus Seidel finished his two years contract in our lab last week. He will now take a short break to take care of an important and demanding experiment, becoming a full-time father, before going for another position in Germany. We wish him and his family all the best for the future !

Au boulot à vélo

As each year since 10 years, Strasbourg Eurometropole and CADR67 are organizing a challenge to promote the use of bicycles to go to work, called Au boulot à vélo . At ISIS, we are also taking part under the banner of the University and CNRS. Remember : University and CNRS won in 2017 and 2018 (category public company of more than 500 employees) so why not one more time ! Here below some ISIS members who are bicycle-addicts.


Ciao Stefano

Stefano Azzini ended his postdoctoral position in our group last week. He left for the University of Trento, where he got a position of assistant professor in the Nanolab group of the Physics department. Grazie mille Stefano and all the best in the future !

Here below some souvenirs with him !